Decimator. The biggest, and quite possibly the best, e-stim electro butt plug in the world.
Decimator. This is a monster. It’s huge. It’s a butt plug befitting followers of de Sade. It will make your slave’s eyes water at seeing it. It will make your slave shudder at holding it – it’s 10cm in diameter, 3.6Kg in weight, and cold in the hand. It will leave your slave’s anus … altered, maybe not permanently in a physical sense, but psychologically perhaps – a kind of BDSM eureka moment – a bondage epiphany perhaps – or just the moment your slave realizes you are in total and utter control.
It will own an arsehole.
If the sheer size and weight doesn’t achieve that, the 4mm socket plugs surely will. For this is no ordinary aircraft grade polished brushed metal material bomb shaped butt plug – it’s also an electro e-stim butt plug. Yes, this insertable trode has contacts at the top and bottom meaning it will squeeze and tense your anal muscles, pulse, punish and more importantly, push and pull. In a very futuristic and dominating way, it will own an arsehole. Used with one of ES-Stim’s fine power units, or an ErosTek ET-312B, this device will fuck an anal opening sideways, lengthways and everyways imaginable. Used in conjunction with a cock ring or penile electrode it will also cause a male to experience through prostate current, and as a result, those rare and wonderful dribbling, forced orgasms beyond the control of the person who happens to be attached to the cock.
Last for years.
For the more practical doms and mistresses, this object, as with all EStim’s metal plugs (US site) , (UK/EU site) is extremely well made. It’s well designed – there’s nothing to perish or rub off. The contraption can even be dismantled safely for cleaning. The blurb claims it will ‘last for years’ and I could well believe it.
It just isn’t something your unsuspecting sub will expect, or forget.
We’ve used on of these twice now and I can safely say it forms the centerpiece of any role play or bondage scenario. The sheer size requires some detailed anal preparation, similar to a small handed fisting – but the stunning denouement has to be switching on the power. It just isn’t something your unsuspecting sub will expect, or forget.
The Decimator (click here for US model an browse to the Decimator Plug) and click here for EU/UK model) is available for worldwide shipping from Estim Systems US and Estim System EU & UK.
My boyfriend uses this on me when I have been a naughty boy . He starts me off with a medium butt plug and then inserts this big boy . As soon as this monster is inserted in my anus my penis gets rock hard . By the time the electricity is flowing the plug is pulsing in and out of me, raping me. To help me suffer my boyfriend turns up the power to max So cum hard and my toes curl and the plug goes deep inside me.